Hello everyone,
Somehow, April is coming to an end already, which means we are officially a third of the way through 2023! As always, there has been lots going on at SYC this month, so let’s not waste any more time getting all caught up!
The month started off with celebrations, as groups celebrated their final sessions together. There were lots of fun activities happening, including a trip to Jump where young people got the chance to have fun bouncing around, followed by pizza! For many young carers, they don’t get the chance to go on enjoyable days out like this, so it was great to see all the smiling faces by the end of the activity.
Young people smile for the camera at their ‘Storybomb’ session.
The end of group celebrations were then quickly followed up by our Easter holiday activities. The first week saw us visit Hybrid3 Studios for some superb ‘Storybombs’, which as always, went down very well with everybody who attended. ‘Storybombs’ are a great chance for our young people to get creative, learn new skills, try out different musical instruments and of course create their own radio play. For week two of the holiday activities, we took a group of young people to an indoor climbing and bouldering centre – this too went down great with everyone who attended, with all young people showing amazing confidence and skill whilst climbing! Thanks to everyone who came along and made the activities as fun as they were, as well as the venues and staff who facilitated our visits!
Young Carers National Voice members from all across the country’s group photo!
April also saw young carers from SYC, as well seven other young carers charities, travel to Birmingham as part of a Young Carers National Voice meet up. They enjoyed a day full of campaigning workshops, support with making Young Carers National Voice videos and planning for their next annual campaign. It is always a nice occasion when Young Carers National Voice members are able to meet up in person and we look forward to the next gathering already!
On the fundraising front, there has also been lots happening. Our fundraising team attended a fantastic virtual balloon race launch party put on by Abbeydale Rotary Club and The Innerwheel of Abbeydale Club. Fundraising officer Nick then attended one of Abbeydale Rotary Club’s meetings to give a presentation about the work we do at SYC. Both events were superb and we can’t thank both clubs enough for their continuous support. Finally, we have been selected by The Forge Women’s Institute to be their charity of the year. We had a meeting last week and it looks like we are in for a great year ahead with their support!
So, that is it! Thanks for taking the time to read our April blog and we look forward to our May blog!
If you’d like to write a blog for our website, we’d love to hear from you. Whether you’re a young carer now, you used to be a young carer yourself, you are supported by a young carer or you want to discuss important topics around young carers, all young carer blogs will be considered. As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, we want to post at least one blog/vlog once a month, so there is plenty of opportunity to get involved. Please get in touch with Nick by email - Nick.Hardwick@sheffieldyoungcarers.uk