Our strategic work

SYC works locally and nationally to ensure good quality support is available to young carers and young people affected by substance misuse in their family, at both a strategic and operational level. This includes supporting the development of new services which could benefit young people and their families.

We provide information, training and resources to young people and professionals in all fields and we coordinate a schools network to support local schools to develop best practice.

We are also active members on a range of strategic boards and networks which work hard to influence policy and practice in order to improve the lives of young carers city-wide. This includes our work on the All-Age Carers Strategy and the resulting All-Age Carers Action Plan and involvement in a regular Six Month Review to ensure that young carers' views are being heard and acted on. The Plan sets out overarching principles and then details actions resulting from these, plus the progress made on each one. There is more information about the Local and National Legislation and Strategy relating to young carers on our website here.

New A report has just been published to highlight the impact of Covid-19 on Sheffield’s children and young people. Youth Voice Matters Report is produced by the city’s youth-led voluntary sector and provides analysis and recommendations around the following areas:

  1. Mental health

  2. Education

  3. Employment

  4. Youth services

  5. Racial equity

Read the report here. The report was written by the Children and Young People’s Partnership Network, of which our Managing Director Sara Gowen is Co-Chair.

Find out more about our training for professionals or contact us for more information.